Thursday 9 December 2021

Thursday 2 December 2021

Aboriginal Art

My class was doing Aboriginal Art. We looked at other people's versions and then tried it ourselves. Have you ever done any Aboriginal Art?

Monday 22 November 2021

Friday 19 November 2021

Kandinsky inspired art


started with white black blue red and yellow. Look at all the colours I made

Monday 1 November 2021

Doorway writing


One day on a Saturday morning Steve was going to buy some milk when he noticed that is front door

didn't look Normal. He opened the door expecting to see his front yard But instead he saw a long dark

corridor and he went through it and and saw another door on the other side. He opened the

second door to find he had traveled back in time to dinosaur times. He walked around for a long long

time eventually finding a T-Rex that was eating his prey. Steve was going to sneak around it but

the T-Rex looked behind himself and saw Steve. It started the chase and Steve and found another door.

He opened and closed it as fast as he could. When he looked behind him he found another dark corridor.

  He went through the corridor and came to another door he opened the door and he was in the ocean

without an oxygen tank! "Help!" "Help!" yelled Steve, as luck would have it, he saw another door and

opened it and went inside another dark corridor, While he was looking round the corridor stopped and though

to himself "What if I went backwards, Would that take me back home?" He turned around and walked back

to the door. He opened it and he was finally back at home. He went to the kitchen to have a snack after that

adventure of his but when he returned the door had gone!

Thursday 28 October 2021

Doorway writing

  One Friday afternoon while walking through the forest John came across a tiny door in a tree stump. John decided to look in the door and turning the tiny door knob, bent over and looked inside and found there were hundreds of little elves. One of the tiny elves looked and saw John outside the door. He walked up to him and said “Hello I am elf number 14, or Fred.  Would you like to see our factory.”  John nodded his head and said “Yes, please” .The little elf said “come over here”.  John replied that he was too big and couldn't fit through the little door. The elf explained “yes you can, just let me do this”,  and then he snapped his fingers and poked John on nose and and John shrank down to the size of the elves. Stepping inside the door John saw all kinds of things: chocolate makers,  candy canes twirlers, jellybean makers, even a little place to make cards for Go Fish which the elves played in their break times. Fred pulled a jelly bean out of his pockets and gave it to John.  Eventually Fred Eventually John had to go, so he waved goodbye and walk outside.  Fred snapped his fingers again and poked John in the nose, and John was back to his normal size.  And then he went home.       the end 

Wednesday 27 October 2021

Wednesday 29 September 2021

100g Butter ⅓ cup Brown sugar ⅓ cup White sugar 1 tsp Vanilla extract ¼ tsp Salt 3 tsp Baking powder 2 Eggs 1 ⅓ cup plain Flour ½ cup Chocolate chips Heat your oven up to 180 degrees Celsius Get a block of butter and cut it up into rectangles then put it in the mixer and then mix it up. Then you get brown and white sugar and put that in with the butter. Pour little vanilla extract and salt into the mixer and stir it up . Then grab baking powder and 2 eggs and put them in the mixer as well. Crack the eggs first. Then scrape it all into the centre of the bowl and then add flour and chocolate chips and then when it's all done you grab a teaspoon and a tablespoon you scoop the batter into the spoon and put it on the tray. Spread them onto the tray and put them in the oven for 12 minutes and anyone can make these cookies. Cool your cookies off on a cooling rack before biting into them

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Coin Operated

Once there was a boy who loved outer space. He had made a space astronaut helmet. He loved space jet packs and had a toy rocket plus had a space badge. One day he was walking with his mum to the storeAnd he found a toy rocket she decided to ask his mum for some money so he could play on the rocket. Put on his helmet and was prepared to fly to the moon but his disappointment came when nothing happened. So he decided to start a lemonade stand and save up enough money to go on the rocket ship one more time. He became very oldAnd eventually saved up enough money and put and walked back to the rocket He put all his money in The machine and.Nothing happened he was about to go home but then the rocket Blasted off into space

Barry bomb

BOOM a giant explosion goes off in the distance. A figure wearing nothing but bushes walks up to Herald The bushes man said here and picked a red Barry from his back. He threw the Berry at Herald and it started making a Blue Mist. Heralds eyes became droopy and his body became lazy Herald wake up time for school his mum from the other room. Herald got out of his bed but as he was getting dressed he felt something in his pocket he picked it out an red berry.

Monster man

Chester tried to run as the mutant rat with 18 spider legs chased after him. A man was Watching at Chester The man grinned with all his sharp teeth exposed he tongue hangs out of his mouth like rope Down the man yelled at the rat making them fall to his feet. Chester was confused. he Didn't know what was about to happen the man made gesture with his hands and the rat sent talking new form. It’s spider legs became tentacles and it's body became a Gorillas it had the head of a tiger and a tale of scorpion with wings of a dragon and the claws of a monster.

3 spirits

The boss leaned over to jack and told him about 3 spirits. He made 3 pictures appear on his computer each one showing a different creature.One looks like a zombie and was leaning over a grave. One is made out of pieces of a board game, and has a giant card for a head. the last One looks like a marionette with two eyes with no pupils and strings attached to all it's limbs. The boss started to talk about these Monsters are spirits who refused to leave this world. Some of These creatures would leave this world but they can't Jack said why what's keeping them here. Cloud of purple Smoke filled the room as a man wearing nothing but a hood and a mask walked into the building. ‘him’, said the boss, ‘hes the one thats stopping them’

Tuesday 31 August 2021

Volcano facts

 The word volcano comes from the Roman god of fire Vulcan. The largest volcano in the solar system isn't on earth but on Mars. There Were roughly 1’500 volcanoes that have erupted in the last 1000 years. Hawaii is the home of the biggest volcano on Earth mauna loa.Why can't we predict when a volcano will erupt?

Friday 6 August 2021

The Present Whiting


One day in a house somewhere a boy was playing video games on the couch. Eventually the boy's mother got home with a huge box. The boy’s mom asked him to go outside. He ignored his mum and went back to playing his game. The boy's mum asked him to open the present she got for him. The boy Slowly opened the present  and a puppy jumped out. Cheerfully the dog tried to lick the boy’s face. The boy sees the dog he got as a present is missing a leg so the boy is disappointed. The dog dashes across the room and finds a ball. they he tries to get the boy to play with him the boy decides he wants to play with the dog the end   


Friday 14 May 2021

My spooky writing

 I  slowly walked  the dark and cold forest. I found 

 a house Where's A glowing Read light it

 looked, scary.

This is my scary house whiting

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Giant insects

 This is my comic which takes place in another dimension. It's about both Greg and Tom shrinking and what they would do if they met big ants.

Koru Art

Kia ora, here is my Koru Art.  We looked at the artist Raewyn Harris before we made our own work.


What plant do you think inspired this art?

Tuesday 2 March 2021