Wednesday 22 September 2021

Monster man

Chester tried to run as the mutant rat with 18 spider legs chased after him. A man was Watching at Chester The man grinned with all his sharp teeth exposed he tongue hangs out of his mouth like rope Down the man yelled at the rat making them fall to his feet. Chester was confused. he Didn't know what was about to happen the man made gesture with his hands and the rat sent talking new form. It’s spider legs became tentacles and it's body became a Gorillas it had the head of a tiger and a tale of scorpion with wings of a dragon and the claws of a monster.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes Mace, this creature sounds scary! I love the way it can change shape. By comparing this imaginary creature with other animals you have helped the audience create a picture in their minds of what it looks like. I wonder if it is there to do harm or good? The way you described the man who 'grinned with all his sharp teeth exposed' makes me think he is dangerous. Am I right? blog you later, Megan : )


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