Monday 22 November 2021

Friday 19 November 2021

Kandinsky inspired art


started with white black blue red and yellow. Look at all the colours I made

Monday 1 November 2021

Doorway writing


One day on a Saturday morning Steve was going to buy some milk when he noticed that is front door

didn't look Normal. He opened the door expecting to see his front yard But instead he saw a long dark

corridor and he went through it and and saw another door on the other side. He opened the

second door to find he had traveled back in time to dinosaur times. He walked around for a long long

time eventually finding a T-Rex that was eating his prey. Steve was going to sneak around it but

the T-Rex looked behind himself and saw Steve. It started the chase and Steve and found another door.

He opened and closed it as fast as he could. When he looked behind him he found another dark corridor.

  He went through the corridor and came to another door he opened the door and he was in the ocean

without an oxygen tank! "Help!" "Help!" yelled Steve, as luck would have it, he saw another door and

opened it and went inside another dark corridor, While he was looking round the corridor stopped and though

to himself "What if I went backwards, Would that take me back home?" He turned around and walked back

to the door. He opened it and he was finally back at home. He went to the kitchen to have a snack after that

adventure of his but when he returned the door had gone!